Address: dongying city town XiYing GuangRaoXian king Address: tieling tieling county taken village road Telephone: 0546-6861222 6861168 Fax: 0546-6861318 The service hotline: 400-072-8968 Telephone: 024-78818050 Fax: 024-78818051 The service hotline: 4006558795 The url Liao embellish YouZhiChang url : Alibaba CTP website :
Overview Ihavehydroxypropylguar gumon thesynthesis mechanismand process conditionsvery different fromthe past, the use ofa stepin thesynthesis ofwater-bornecatalyticphase shiftmethod,adda specialphase transfer catalyst,the productoftheperformanceindicators hadimproved greatly.Fracturing fluidthickeneris mainly used foroilfield productionby injectionprocess, especially for theoiltemperature higher than100 ℃deep wellfracturingoil and gas fields.